Not to be confused with fox Keidran, foxes are a fairly common species in Mekkan. Curently there are two known varity of fox, the commen fox, and the larger and stranger fire fox.
The common fox is mainly orange with a white underside that exstends form the sides of the nose to the base of the tail. A largely peacful creature, but if attacked will not heasitate to retaliate. Though not particularly strong the common fox has been know to take down new adventures who overestimate there combat ablilties.
An strange variation of the commen fox, the fire fox is much larger and has the ability to launch fireballs as well. Visualy both the fire fox and the common fox have simmilar apearince, the fire fox, however, in addition to having orange fur and a white underside, also has strange unatural markings in its fur, and red eyes, as apposed to the common foxes normal black eyes. Like the common fox the fire fox is peacful untll attacked, however the fire fox is noticably stronger than their common kin. It is unknow where the fire fox came from, and their exsact relationship to the common fox is as of yet undetermined.